Unlocking the Mystery of “No Overload matches this call” in Inquirer.prompt with Typescript
Image by Emlen - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery of “No Overload matches this call” in Inquirer.prompt with Typescript

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the dreaded “No Overload matches this call” error in Inquirer.prompt when working with Typescript? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to conquer this enigmatic issue!

What is Inquirer.prompt and why does it matter?

Inquirer.prompt is a popular Node.js library that enables developers to create interactive command-line interfaces (CLI) for their applications. It’s an essential tool for building user-friendly CLIs that provide an exceptional user experience. With Inquirer.prompt, you can create prompts, validate user input, and even perform async operations – all with ease!

However, when you bring Typescript into the mix, things can get a bit tricky. That’s because Typescript is all about type safety and ensuring that your code is coherent and error-free. And that’s exactly where our error comes in – the infamous “No Overload matches this call” error.

What causes the “No Overload matches this call” error?

The “No Overload matches this call” error occurs when the Typescript compiler can’t find a compatible function overload for the given function call. In the context of Inquirer.prompt, this typically happens when you’re trying to pass an object with incorrect or missing properties to the `prompt` function.

import { prompt } from 'inquirer';

const questions = [
    type: 'input',
    name: 'username',
    message: 'Enter your username:',
    type: 'password',
    name: 'password',
    message: 'Enter your password:',

prompt(questions); // Error: No Overload matches this call.

In the above example, we’re trying to pass an array of objects to the `prompt` function, but Typescript is complaining that it can’t find a matching function overload. What’s going on?

The Missing Piece: Type Definitions

The issue lies in the fact that we haven’t provided accurate type definitions for the `questions` array. By default, Inquirer.prompt expects an array of `Question` objects, which have specific properties like `type`, `name`, and `message`. However, our `questions` array lacks these type definitions, causing the error.

import { prompt, Question } from 'inquirer';

const questions: Question[] = [
    type: 'input',
    name: 'username',
    message: 'Enter your username:',
    type: 'password',
    name: 'password',
    message: 'Enter your password:',

prompt(questions); // Ah, much better!

By adding the `Question[]` type definition to our `questions` array, we’ve told Typescript exactly what type of objects are contained within the array. This fixes the error and allows the `prompt` function to work as expected.

Solving the Error with Interface Implementations

In some cases, you might need to create custom question types or modify existing ones to fit your specific use case. That’s where interface implementations come into play.

import { prompt, Question } from 'inquirer';

interface CustomQuestion extends Question {
  customProperty: string;

const customQuestion: CustomQuestion = {
  type: 'input',
  name: 'customQuestion',
  message: 'Enter a custom value:',
  customProperty: 'This is a custom property!',

const questions: Question[] = [customQuestion];

prompt(questions); // Error: No Overload matches this call.

In this example, we’ve created a custom `CustomQuestion` interface that extends the built-in `Question` interface. We’ve added a new `customProperty` property to our custom question type. However, when we try to pass this custom question to the `prompt` function, we get the dreaded error again.

To fix this, we need to tell Typescript that our custom question type is compatible with the `Question` type. We can do this by creating a type guard function:

function isQuestion(question: T): question is Question {
  return true;

const customQuestion: CustomQuestion = {
  type: 'input',
  name: 'customQuestion',
  message: 'Enter a custom value:',
  customProperty: 'This is a custom property!',

const questions: Question[] = [isQuestion(customQuestion)];

prompt(questions); // Ah, much better!

By using the `isQuestion` type guard function, we’ve assured Typescript that our custom question type is compatible with the `Question` type, and the error is resolved.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

When working with Inquirer.prompt and Typescript, it’s easy to fall into common pitfalls that can lead to the “No Overload matches this call” error. Here are some typical mistakes and their solutions:

  • Mistake: Forgetting to specify the type of the `questions` array.
    Solution: Add the `Question[]` type definition to your `questions` array.
  • Mistake: Not providing accurate type definitions for custom question types.
    Solution: Create an interface that extends the `Question` interface and add the necessary properties.
  • Mistake: Not using type guards for custom question types.
    Solution: Create a type guard function that asserts the custom question type is compatible with the `Question` type.


In this article, we’ve delved into the mysterious world of “No Overload matches this call” errors in Inquirer.prompt with Typescript. By understanding the causes of this error and implementing the solutions outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and error-free CLIs with Inquirer.prompt and Typescript.

Remember, the key to resolving this error lies in providing accurate type definitions and using type guards to ensure compatibility between custom question types and the `Question` type.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of CLI development with Inquirer.prompt and Typescript!

Error Cause Solution
Missing type definitions for the `questions` array. Add the `Question[]` type definition to your `questions` array.
Inaccurate type definitions for custom question types. Create an interface that extends the `Question` interface and add the necessary properties.
Failing to use type guards for custom question types. Create a type guard function that asserts the custom question type is compatible with the `Question` type.

By following these solutions, you’ll be able to overcome the “No Overload matches this call” error and create robust CLIs with Inquirer.prompt and Typescript.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about the “No Overload matches this call” error in Inquirer.prompt with TypeScript!

What does the “No Overload matches this call” error mean in TypeScript?

This error usually occurs when TypeScript can’t find a matching function overload that matches the arguments you’re passing to the `inquirer.prompt` method. It’s like trying to put a square peg into a round hole – the types just don’t match!

How do I fix the “No Overload matches this call” error in Inquirer.prompt?

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the arguments you’re passing to `inquirer.prompt` match the expected types. Check the Inquirer documentation to see the available overloads and adjust your code accordingly. You can also try using the `any` type as a last resort, but be warned – this can lead to type errors down the line!

Can I disable TypeScript errors for Inquirer.prompt?

Yes, you can disable TypeScript errors for Inquirer.prompt by adding the `// @ts-ignore` comment above the offending line of code. However, this is not recommended as it can lead to type errors and make your code harder to maintain. Instead, take the time to fix the error and ensure your code is type-safe!

Why does Inquirer.prompt have so many overloads?

Inquirer.prompt has many overloads to provide flexibility and customization options for prompts. This allows developers to create complex prompts with different types of inputs, validators, and default values. While it can be overwhelming, each overload serves a specific purpose and helps ensure that your prompts are robust and user-friendly.

How can I contribute to improving the Inquirer.prompt TypeScript definitions?

You can contribute to improving the Inquirer.prompt TypeScript definitions by submitting pull requests to the Inquirer repository on GitHub. If you’ve encountered an issue or have a suggestion for improvement, create a new issue or fork the repository and make the necessary changes. Your contributions can help make Inquirer.prompt more type-safe and user-friendly for everyone!