Unlock the Power of Telemetry Data: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Modify and Return Telemetry Data from a Device Using ThingsBoard
Image by Emlen - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Telemetry Data: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Modify and Return Telemetry Data from a Device Using ThingsBoard

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Are you tired of dealing with raw telemetry data from your devices, struggling to make sense of it all? Do you want to unlock the full potential of your IoT devices and gain valuable insights from the data they produce? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to modify and return telemetry data from a device using ThingsBoard, the leading IoT platform.

What is ThingsBoard?

ThingsBoard is an open-source IoT platform designed to simplify the process of collecting, processing, and analyzing telemetry data from various devices. With its scalable and flexible architecture, ThingsBoard enables you to connect, monitor, and control your devices remotely, making it an ideal solution for IoT development.

Why Modify and Return Telemetry Data?

Raw telemetry data can be overwhelming, with many devices producing vast amounts of data in varying formats. By modifying and returning telemetry data, you can:

  • Standardize data formats for easier analysis and integration
  • Filter out unnecessary data to reduce noise and improve signal quality
  • Apply algorithms and transformations to extract valuable insights
  • Enhance data accuracy and reliability
  • Improve overall device performance and efficiency


Before we dive into the process of modifying and returning telemetry data, make sure you have:

  • A working ThingsBoard instance (on-premises or cloud-based)
  • A device connected to ThingsBoard (e.g., temperature sensor, GPS tracker, etc.)
  • A basic understanding of Java or Python programming languages
  • Familiarity with the ThingsBoard REST API and data model

Step 1: Create a Device Profile

In ThingsBoard, a device profile defines the structure and format of the telemetry data received from a device. To create a device profile:

  1. Log in to your ThingsBoard instance and navigate to the “Devices” tab
  2. Click on the “Create device” button and select “Device profile”
  3. Fill in the required information (device name, type, and profile)
  4. Define the telemetry data format using the “Telemetry” tab
  5. Save the device profile

Example Device Profile JSON

  "name": "Temperature Sensor",
  "deviceProfile": {
    "telemetry": [
        "type": "TEMPERATURE",
        "unit": "CELSIUS",
        "interval": 1000

Step 2: Write a Data Processing Script

To modify and return telemetry data, you’ll need to write a data processing script using Java or Python. This script will be executed on the ThingsBoard server whenever new telemetry data is received from the device.

Java Example (Using ThingsBoard API)

import org.thingsboard.server.common.data.id.DeviceId;
import org.thingsboard.server.common.data.kv.TsKvEntry;
import org.thingsboard.server.common.data.plugin.ComponentLifecycle;
import org.thingsboard.server.plugins.telemetry.sub.TelemetrySubscriptionApi;

public class TemperatureDataProcessor implements ComponentLifecycle {

    public void init(TelemetrySubscriptionApi api) {
        // Subscribe to telemetry data from the device
        api.subscribeToDeviceTelemetry(DeviceId.fromString("DEVICE_ID"), this::processTelemetry);

    private void processTelemetry(TsKvEntry tsKvEntry) {
        // Get the current temperature value
        double temperature = tsKvEntry.getDoubleValue("temperature");

        // Apply a simple transformation (e.g., convert to Fahrenheit)
        double fahrenheit = temperature * 1.8 + 32;

        // Create a new telemetry entry with the modified value
        TsKvEntry newEntry = new TsKvEntry(tsKvEntry.getTs(), "temperature_fahrenheit", fahrenheit);

        // Return the modified telemetry data

Python Example (Using ThingsBoard REST API)

import requests

def process_telemetry(telemetry_data):
    # Get the current temperature value
    temperature = telemetry_data['temperature']

    # Apply a simple transformation (e.g., convert to Fahrenheit)
    fahrenheit = temperature * 1.8 + 32

    # Create a new telemetry entry with the modified value
    new_entry = {'ts': telemetry_data['ts'], 'key': 'temperature_fahrenheit', 'value': fahrenheit}

    # Return the modified telemetry data using the ThingsBoard REST API
    response = requests.post('http://thingsboard-url.com/api/plugins/telemetry/DEVICE_ID/values', json=new_entry)

Step 3: Configure the Data Processing Script

To execute the data processing script, you need to configure ThingsBoard to run it on the server:

  1. Navigate to the “Entities” tab in your ThingsBoard instance
  2. Click on the “Create entity” button and select “Rule chain”
  3. Give the rule chain a name and description
  4. Add a new “Data processing” node to the rule chain
  5. Select the script type (Java or Python) and upload the script file
  6. Configure the script execution settings (e.g., cron expression, execution timeout)
  7. Save the rule chain

Step 4: Verify the Modified Telemetry Data

Once the data processing script is configured, new telemetry data should be modified and returned according to the script’s logic. To verify:

  1. Navigate to the “Devices” tab and click on the device that sends telemetry data
  2. Click on the “Telemetry” tab and select the modified telemetry key (e.g., “temperature_fahrenheit”)
  3. Verify that the modified telemetry data is displayed correctly
Original Telemetry Data Modified Telemetry Data
23°C 73.4°F
25°C 77°F


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demonstrated how to modify and return telemetry data from a device using ThingsBoard. By following these steps, you can unlock the full potential of your IoT devices and gain valuable insights from the data they produce. Remember to adapt this guide to your specific use case and device requirements, and don’t hesitate to explore the advanced features of ThingsBoard for even more sophisticated data processing and analysis capabilities.

Start modifying and returning telemetry data today, and take your IoT projects to the next level with ThingsBoard!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the secrets of modifying and returning telemetry data from a device using ThingsBoard with these frequently asked questions!

How do I modify telemetry data from a device in ThingsBoard?

To modify telemetry data from a device in ThingsBoard, you can use the “Rule Chains” feature. This feature allows you to create a chain of rules that process and transform telemetry data in real-time. You can create a rule chain that takes the original telemetry data, applies transformations, filtering, or aggregation, and then sends the modified data to a target entity or saves it to a database.

What is the best way to return telemetry data from a device using ThingsBoard?

The best way to return telemetry data from a device using ThingsBoard is by using the “Device API” or “REST API”. These APIs allow you to fetch telemetry data from devices and return it in a format that suits your needs. You can use the APIs to fetch data from a single device or multiple devices, and even filter the data by timestamp, device type, or other criteria.

Can I modify telemetry data from a device in real-time using ThingsBoard?

Yes, you can modify telemetry data from a device in real-time using ThingsBoard’s “Rule Engine”. The Rule Engine allows you to create rules that process and transform telemetry data as it arrives from devices. You can create rules that trigger on specific conditions, such as device type, data format, or threshold values, and then apply transformations or filtering to the data in real-time.

How do I handle errors when modifying telemetry data from a device in ThingsBoard?

When modifying telemetry data from a device in ThingsBoard, you can handle errors using the “Error Handling” feature. This feature allows you to catch and handle errors that occur during data processing, such as data format errors or invalid values. You can configure error handling rules to retry failed operations, send notifications, or log errors for later analysis.

Can I use ThingsBoard to modify telemetry data from devices that use different protocols?

Yes, ThingsBoard supports a wide range of protocols, including MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, and more. This means you can use ThingsBoard to modify telemetry data from devices that use different protocols, and even integrate devices from different manufacturers or vendors. ThingsBoard’s flexibility and scalability make it an ideal choice for IoT projects that involve multiple devices and protocols.

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