Cannot Render Array Type Variables in Camunda 8 Forms? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!
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Cannot Render Array Type Variables in Camunda 8 Forms? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!

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What are Array Type Variables in Camunda 8?

In Camunda 8, variables are used to store and pass data between different parts of a workflow. There are several types of variables, including string, integer, boolean, and array. Array type variables, as the name suggests, allow you to store a collection of values in a single variable.

  "name": "fruits",
  "type": "array",
  "value": ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

In the above example, the variable “fruits” is an array type variable that stores a list of strings.

Why Can’t I Render Array Type Variables in Camunda 8 Forms?

The main reason why you can’t render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms is that the default form renderer in Camunda 8 is not designed to handle array type variables. The form renderer expects a single value for each variable, and when it encounters an array type variable, it throws an error.

Error: Cannot render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms

This error can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to build a complex form that requires array type variables. But don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you!

Solution 1: Use a Custom Form Renderer

One way to render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms is to create a custom form renderer. A custom form renderer allows you to define a custom template for rendering forms, which can handle array type variables.

import { FormRenderer } from '@camunda/form-sdk';

const customFormRenderer = new FormRenderer({
  templates: {
    array: ({ variable }) => (
    {, index) => (
  • {item}
  • ))}
), }, });

In the above example, we’re creating a custom form renderer that uses a template to render array type variables as an unordered list. The `variable.value` property contains the array of values, and we’re using the `map()` function to iterate over the array and render each item as a list item.

How to Use a Custom Form Renderer in Camunda 8

To use a custom form renderer in Camunda 8, you need to configure the form renderer in your Camunda 8 application.

import { configure } from '@camunda/configuration';
import customFormRenderer from './customFormRenderer';

  form: {
    renderer: customFormRenderer,

In the above example, we’re configuring the Camunda 8 application to use our custom form renderer.

Solution 2: Use a Script Task

An alternative solution is to use a script task to transform the array type variable into a string or another type that can be rendered by the default form renderer.

import { execute } from '@camunda/task';

const scriptTask = execute({
  script: `
    const fruits = ${fruits};
    const fruitsString = fruits.join(', ');
    execution.setVariable('fruitsString', fruitsString);

In the above example, we’re using a script task to transform the array type variable “fruits” into a string variable “fruitsString” by joining the array elements with commas.

How to Use a Script Task in Camunda 8

To use a script task in Camunda 8, you need to add a script task to your workflow and configure it to execute the script.

Step Description
1 Open your Camunda 8 workflow in the Modeler.
2 Drag and drop a script task onto the canvas.
3 Configure the script task to execute the script.


In conclusion, rendering array type variables in Camunda 8 forms can be a challenge, but with the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome this error. Whether you choose to use a custom form renderer or a script task, the key is to understand the underlying issue and find a solution that works for your specific use case. Happy coding!


  1. Q: Can I use a custom form renderer for all variables?

    A: Yes, you can use a custom form renderer for all variables by defining a custom template for each variable type.

  2. Q: Can I use a script task for all array type variables?

    A: Yes, you can use a script task to transform all array type variables, but you may need to create a separate script task for each variable.

  3. Q: Is there a limit to the number of array elements that can be rendered?

    A: No, there is no limit to the number of array elements that can be rendered, but you may need to optimize your solution for large datasets.

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the “Cannot render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms” error. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on rendering array type variables in Camunda 8 forms!

Why can’t I render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms?

Camunda 8 forms don’t support rendering array type variables out of the box. This is because arrays can’t be directly bound to form fields, which requires a single value. You’ll need to use a workaround, like converting the array to a string or using a custom form renderer.

How can I convert an array to a string in Camunda 8?

You can use the `join()` function in a script task or an expression to concatenate the array elements into a single string. For example, `myArray.join(“, “)` will join the elements with commas. Then, you can bind this string to a form field.

Can I use a custom form renderer to render array type variables?

Yes, you can! A custom form renderer allows you to write custom HTML and JavaScript code to render the array type variables. This approach gives you full control over the rendering process, but requires more development effort.

Are there any plans to support array type variables in Camunda 8 forms natively?

While there’s no official word on native support for array type variables in Camunda 8 forms, the community is actively discussing and exploring ways to improve the forms functionality. Keep an eye on the Camunda forums and GitHub issues for updates!

What are some alternative approaches to rendering array type variables?

Besides converting to a string or using a custom form renderer, you can also consider using a separate form for each array element, or using a repeatable form field (e.g., a table or list) to display the array elements. Get creative!

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