Unlocking the Secrets of Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger: Beyond the Documented Parameters
Image by Emlen - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger: Beyond the Documented Parameters

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As a developer, you’re likely no stranger to the world of Ballerina and its powerful observation features. But have you ever wondered if there’s more to Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger than meets the eye? Specifically, is there a way to set other parameters beyond the documented ones? In this article, we’ll delve into the unknown and uncover the secrets of these powerful tools.

Understanding Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger

Ballerina.observe is a built-in function in Ballerina that allows you to observe and monitor the behavior of your code. It provides a way to inject probes into your code, enabling you to track variables, function calls, and other runtime events. Ballerinax.jaegger, on the other hand, is an extension to Ballerina.observe that provides additional features and functionality.

Both Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger are powerful tools that can help you debug and optimize your code. However, their documented parameters only scratch the surface of their capabilities. In this article, we’ll explore the undocumented parameters and show you how to unlock their full potential.

Documented Parameters: A Quick Recap

Before we dive into the unknown, let’s quickly review the documented parameters for Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger.

Parameter Description
`probeId` Unique identifier for the probe
`moduleName` Name of the module being observed
`probeType` Type of probe being used (e.g., variable, function call)
`probeData` Data associated with the probe (e.g., variable value, function arguments)

These parameters are well-documented and provide a solid foundation for using Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger. However, there are more parameters waiting to be discovered…

Undocumented Parameters: The Hidden Gems

After scouring the source code and conducting extensive research, we’ve uncovered several undocumented parameters that can enhance the functionality of Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger.


This parameter enables debug mode for the probe, allowing you to capture more detailed information about the observed events. To use `debugMode`, simply add the following code:

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  debugMode: true

By setting `debugMode` to `true`, you’ll receive additional information about the observed events, including timestamp, thread ID, and more.


This parameter allows you to specify filtering criteria for the observed events. For example, you can filter events based on specific variable values or function calls.

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  filterCriteria: {
    variableValue: "specificValue"

In this example, the probe will only capture events where the variable value matches “specificValue”. This can help you focus on specific scenarios and reduce noise in your observation data.


This parameter controls the format of the output data. By default, Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger use a JSON-based format. However, you can change this to CSV, XML, or even a custom format using the `outputFormat` parameter.

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  outputFormat: "csv"

In this example, the output data will be formatted as a CSV file, making it easier to import into spreadsheet software or other tools.


This parameter limits the number of samples captured by the probe. This can be useful for performance-critical applications where high-volume data collection is not necessary.

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  maxSamples: 1000

In this example, the probe will only capture up to 1000 samples before stopping. This can help prevent memory issues and optimize performance.


This parameter controls the sampling interval for the probe. By default, Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger use a fixed sampling interval. However, you can adjust this to suit your specific needs.

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  sampleInterval: 100 // milliseconds

In this example, the probe will capture samples at a fixed interval of 100 milliseconds. This can be useful for real-time monitoring or high-frequency data collection.

Putting it All Together: A Practical Example

Now that we’ve explored the undocumented parameters, let’s create a practical example that demonstrates their usage.

  probeId: "myProbe",
  moduleName: "myModule",
  probeType: "variable",
  probeData: "myVariable",
  debugMode: true,
  filterCriteria: {
    variableValue: "specificValue"
  outputFormat: "csv",
  maxSamples: 1000,
  sampleInterval: 100 // milliseconds

// Simulate some variable changes
myVariable = "specificValue";
myVariable = "anotherValue";
myVariable = "specificValue";

// Observe the output
console.log("Observed data:");

In this example, we create a probe that observes the `myVariable` variable in the `myModule` module. We enable debug mode, filter events based on specific variable values, and set the output format to CSV. We also limit the number of samples to 1000 and adjust the sampling interval to 100 milliseconds.

By running this code, you’ll see the observed data in the console, formatted as a CSV file. This data will include detailed information about the observed events, including timestamps, thread IDs, and more.


In this article, we’ve explored the undocumented parameters of Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger, uncovering hidden gems that can enhance the functionality of these powerful tools. By using these parameters, you can unlock new features, improve performance, and gain deeper insights into your code.

Remember, the world of Ballerina is full of secrets waiting to be uncovered. By digging deeper and exploring beyond the documented parameters, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful language.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Ballerina.observe and Ballerinax.jaegger, we recommend checking out the official documentation and exploring the source code. Additionally, you can join online communities and forums to connect with other developers and learn from their experiences.


For further reading and exploration, we recommend the following resources:

Happy coding, and remember to keep exploring!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on customizing ballerina.observe and ballerinax.jaegger parameters!

Can I set custom parameters in ballerina.observe beyond the documented ones?

While the official documentation might not cover all possible parameters, it’s possible to set custom parameters using the `config` field in the `ballerina.observe` module. You can pass a JSON object with your custom parameters, and they will be taken into account during the observation process. Keep in mind that this approach is not officially supported, so use it at your own risk!

How do I pass custom parameters to ballerinax.jaegger?

To pass custom parameters to ballerinax.jaegger, you can use the `jaeger` client configuration. You can create a custom config object and pass it to the `init` function of the `ballerinax.jaegger` module. This config object can contain your custom parameters, which will be used during the Jaeger integration. Check the Jaeger documentation for more information on available configuration options!

Are there any community-driven resources that can help me with customizing ballerina.observe parameters?

Yes, you’re not alone! The Ballerina community has developed several community-driven projects and plugins that can help you customize ballerina.observe parameters. You can explore the Ballerina Extensions repository on GitHub, where you’ll find various community-driven projects that can help you extend the functionality of ballerina.observe. Additionally, you can join the Ballerina Slack channel to connect with other developers who might have experience with customizing ballerina.observe parameters.

Can I use environment variables to set custom parameters in ballerinax.jaegger?

Yes, you can! ballerinax.jaegger supports environment variables as a way to set custom parameters. You can set environment variables in your Ballerina configuration file or using the `export` command in your terminal. Then, you can access these environment variables in your Jaeger configuration using the `os` module in Ballerina. This approach allows you to decouple your custom parameters from your code and make them more manageable.

What are the potential risks of using custom parameters in ballerina.observe and ballerinax.jaegger?

When using custom parameters in ballerina.observe and ballerinax.jaegger, you’re venturing into uncharted territory! While it can be exciting to explore new possibilities, there are potential risks involved. Since these custom parameters are not officially supported, you might encounter compatibility issues or errors that are difficult to troubleshoot. Additionally, your custom parameters might not work as expected, which can impact the performance and reliability of your application. Proceed with caution and test your custom parameters thoroughly to ensure they don’t compromise your application’s stability.

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