Can I use Pug Template with Angular Builder Esbuild? A Comprehensive Guide
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Can I use Pug Template with Angular Builder Esbuild? A Comprehensive Guide

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As an Angular developer, you’re likely no stranger to the world of templating engines. Pug, formerly known as Jade, is a popular choice among developers for its simplicity and ease of use. But, with the introduction of Angular Builder Esbuild, you might be wondering if it’s still possible to use Pug templates with this new build tool. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Pug and Esbuild, exploring the possibilities and limitations of using these two technologies together.

What is Pug Template Engine?

Pug is a high-performance template engine that allows you to write HTML templates using a syntax that’s similar to CSS. It’s a popular choice among developers due to its concise syntax, flexibility, and ease of use. Pug templates can be compiled into HTML, making it a great choice for building web applications.

// Example Pug Template
    title My App
    h1 Welcome to my app!

What is Angular Builder Esbuild?

Angular Builder Esbuild is a build tool that’s part of the Angular framework. It’s designed to provide a fast and efficient way to build and deploy Angular applications. Esbuild is a modern build tool that’s optimized for performance, and it’s slowly becoming the default build tool for Angular applications.

How Does Esbuild Work?

Esbuild uses a combination of plugins and transformers to build and optimize your Angular application. It’s a highly customizable build tool that allows you to fine-tune your build process to suit your specific needs. Esbuild supports a wide range of plugins, including plugins for.Template compilation, CSS optimization, and JavaScript minification.

Can I Use Pug Template with Angular Builder Esbuild?

The million-dollar question! Yes, you can use Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild. However, there’s a catch – it requires some additional setup and configuration. By default, Esbuild doesn’t support Pug templates out of the box, but we can use a plugin to add support for Pug.

Step 1: Install the Pug Plugin for Esbuild

The first step is to install the Pug plugin for Esbuild using npm or yarn:

npm install esbuild-plugin-pug

Step 2: Configure Esbuild to Use the Pug Plugin

Next, you need to configure Esbuild to use the Pug plugin. You can do this by creating an `esbuild.config.js` file in the root of your project:

// esbuild.config.js
const { esbuildPluginPug } = require('esbuild-plugin-pug');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [esbuildPluginPug()],

Step 3: Create a Pug Template

Now that we’ve configured Esbuild to use the Pug plugin, let’s create a simple Pug template:

// app.component.pug
    title My App
    h1 Welcome to my app!

Step 4: Use the Pug Template in Your Angular Component

Finally, let's use the Pug template in our Angular component:

// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: require('./app.component.pug'),
export class AppComponent {}

That's it! With these steps, you've successfully used a Pug template with Angular Builder Esbuild. When you run `ng build`, Esbuild will compile your Pug template into HTML, and then inject it into your Angular component.

Benefits of Using Pug with Esbuild

Using Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild offers several benefits, including:

  • Faster Development: Pug's concise syntax and ease of use make it a great choice for rapid prototyping and development.
  • Improved Code Readability: Pug's syntax is more concise than HTML, making it easier to read and maintain.
  • Better Performance: Pug templates can be compiled into HTML, which can improve the performance of your application.
  • Customizability: Pug is highly customizable, allowing you to create custom templates and plugins to suit your specific needs.

Challenges and Limitations

While using Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild is possible, there are some challenges and limitations to consider:

  • Additional Configuration: You need to configure Esbuild to use the Pug plugin, which can add extra complexity to your build process.
  • Pug Syntax Limitations: Pug's syntax is not compatible with all HTML features, which can limit its use in certain scenarios.
  • Debugging Issues: Debugging issues with Pug templates can be more challenging due to the compilation process.


In conclusion, using Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild is possible, but it requires some additional setup and configuration. The benefits of using Pug with Esbuild include faster development, improved code readability, better performance, and customizability. However, there are also some challenges and limitations to consider, including additional configuration, syntax limitations, and debugging issues. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully use Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild and take advantage of its many benefits.

Feature Pug Esbuild
Templating Engine Yes No
Build Tool No Yes
Performance Faster Faster
Customizability Highly Customizable Highly Customizable

By leveraging the strengths of both Pug and Esbuild, you can create fast, efficient, and highly customizable Angular applications that take advantage of the best of both worlds.


  1. Q: Is Pug a replacement for HTML?

    A: No, Pug is a templating engine that compiles into HTML. It's not a replacement for HTML, but rather a way to write HTML templates using a more concise syntax.

  2. Q: Can I use other templating engines with Esbuild?

    A: Yes, Esbuild supports a wide range of templating engines, including Mustache, Handlebars, and more. You can use plugins to add support for other templating engines.

  3. Q: Is Pug compatible with all HTML features?

    A: No, Pug's syntax is not compatible with all HTML features. You may need to use HTML syntax for certain features, such as inline SVGs or HTML5 tags.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you understand how to use Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild. With the right configuration and setup, you can take advantage of the many benefits that Pug and Esbuild have to offer.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on using Pug templates with Angular Builder Esbuild!

Can I use Pug templates with Angular CLI projects?

Yes, you can! Although Angular CLI doesn't support Pug out of the box, you can configure it to work with Pug templates using a custom webpack setup or a third-party library like `pug-loader`. However, keep in mind that official support is still limited.

How do I set up Pug with Angular Builder Esbuild?

To get started, you'll need to create a custom esbuild plugin to handle Pug templates. You can do this by creating a new file in your project's root directory (e.g., `esbuild.pug.js`) and configuring the plugin to compile Pug templates. Then, update your `angular.json` file to include the custom plugin.

Will Pug templates slow down my Angular application?

Not necessarily! While Pug templates do require an additional compilation step, the impact on performance should be minimal. In fact, Pug's concise syntax can even help reduce the overall size of your HTML templates, potentially improving page load times.

Can I use Pug with other template engines in my Angular project?

Yes, you can! You're not limited to a single template engine. You can use Pug alongside other template engines like HTML, CSS-in-JS solutions, or even other templating languages like EJS or Liquid. Just be aware that each engine may require separate configuration and setup.

Is there an official Angular plugin for Pug templates?

Not yet! While there are community-maintained plugins and libraries available, there is no official Angular plugin for Pug templates at the moment. However, you can still use Pug with Angular Builder Esbuild by creating a custom esbuild plugin or using a third-party library.