Building an Android Kotlin Infotainment App with ROOM DB: Overcoming the Curse of the Cursor
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Building an Android Kotlin Infotainment App with ROOM DB: Overcoming the Curse of the Cursor

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As an Android developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustrations of working with databases in your apps. One of the most popular solutions is to use ROOM, a persistence library developed by Google, to store and manage data in your app. But, what happens when you try to fetch data from the database and encounter the infamous “Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method’s return type (java.lang.Object)” error?

The Problem: Converting Cursors to ROOM Entities

When you query the database using ROOM, the result is returned as a Cursor object. However, when you try to convert this Cursor to a list of entities, the compiler throws an error, complaining that it doesn’t know how to convert the Cursor to the desired return type.

interface VehicleDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM vehicles")
    fun getAllVehicles(): List<Vehicle>

In the above example, the getAllVehicles() function returns a List<Vehicle>, but the Cursor returned by the query cannot be directly converted to a list of Vehicle objects.

Understanding theROOM Query Syntax

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the ROOM query syntax. ROOM uses a Java-based annotation processor to generate the necessary code for database operations. The @Query annotation is used to specify the SQL query to be executed.

@Query("SELECT * FROM vehicles")
fun getAllVehicles(): List<Vehicle>

In this example, the @Query annotation specifies a simple SELECT query that fetches all columns from the vehicles table. The return type of the function is specified as List<Vehicle>, indicating that the function should return a list of Vehicle objects.

The Solution: Using ROOM’s Built-in Support for Converting Cursors

ROOM provides a built-in mechanism for converting Cursor objects to entities. You can use the @MapInfo annotation to specify the column-to-field mapping, and the @Dao annotation to specify the return type of the function.

interface VehicleDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM vehicles")
    @MapInfo(value = VehicleMapper::class)
    fun getAllVehicles(): List<Vehicle>

interface VehicleMapper {
    @MapFrom-columnName = "id"
    @MapFrom-columnName = "name"
    @MapFrom-columnName = "model"
    fun vehicleFromCursor(cursor: Cursor): Vehicle {
        return Vehicle(
            id = cursor.getLong(0),
            name = cursor.getString(1),
            model = cursor.getString(2)

In this example, we’ve added the @MapInfo annotation to the getAllVehicles() function, specifying the VehicleMapper interface as the mapping function. The VehicleMapper interface contains a single function, vehicleFromCursor(), which takes a Cursor object as an argument and returns a Vehicle object.

The @MapFrom-columnName annotations specify the column names in the Cursor object that correspond to the fields in the Vehicle entity. The vehicleFromCursor() function uses these annotations to extract the values from the Cursor and create a new Vehicle object.

Using ROOM’s Built-in Support for Converting Cursors with Kotlin Coroutines

If you’re using Kotlin coroutines in your app, you can take advantage of ROOM’s built-in support for asynchronous database operations. You can use the suspend keyword to mark the function as asynchronous, and ROOM will take care of the underlying threading and cursor management.

interface VehicleDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM vehicles")
    @MapInfo(value = VehicleMapper::class)
    suspend fun getAllVehicles(): List<Vehicle>

In this example, the getAllVehicles() function is marked as suspend, indicating that it’s an asynchronous function. You can call this function from a coroutine scope, and ROOM will handle the underlying threading and cursor management.

When you call the getAllVehicles() function, ROOM will execute the query on a background thread, and return the result as a list of Vehicle objects. You can then use the resulting list to update your UI or perform further processing.

Best Practices for Using ROOM with Kotlin

When using ROOM with Kotlin, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use suspend functions to mark asynchronous database operations.

  • Use @MapInfo and @Mapper annotations to specify the column-to-field mapping.

  • Use ROOM’s built-in support for converting cursors to entities.

  • Avoid using raw cursors and instead use ROOM’s built-in cursor management.

  • Use Kotlin coroutines to handle asynchronous database operations.

By following these best practices, you can take advantage of ROOM’s powerful features and build robust, scalable, and maintainable Android apps with Kotlin.


In this article, we’ve explored the common error of not knowing how to convert a Cursor to a list of entities in an Android Kotlin infotainment app using ROOM DB. We’ve seen how to use ROOM’s built-in support for converting cursors to entities, and how to use Kotlin coroutines to handle asynchronous database operations.

By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can overcome the curse of the cursor and build robust, scalable, and maintainable Android apps with ROOM and Kotlin.

ROOM Annotation Description
@Dao Specifies the DAO interface for database operations.
@Query Specifies the SQL query to be executed.
@MapInfo Specifies the column-to-field mapping for entity conversion.
@Mapper Specifies the interface for entity conversion.

I hope this article has been helpful in your journey to building an Android Kotlin infotainment app with ROOM DB. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about Android Kotlin Infotainment app with ROOM DB and resolve the error “Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method’s return type (java.lang.Object)”.

What is the primary cause of this error?

The primary cause of this error is that the Room Persistence Library is trying to convert a Cursor object to an Object, which is not a compatible type. This often occurs when the return type of a DAO (Data Access Object) method is not correctly specified.

How do I define the return type of a DAO method?

To define the return type of a DAO method, you need to specify the exact type of data that the method will return. For example, if your method is supposed to return a list of objects, you should specify List<YourObjectName> as the return type. Make sure to include the @Query annotation to specify the SQL query that will be executed.

How can I convert a Cursor object to a custom object?

To convert a Cursor object to a custom object, you can use a Kotlin extension function to iterate over the Cursor and create a list of objects. Alternatively, you can use the `query()` method provided by Room, which allows you to specify a type converter to convert the Cursor to a custom object.

What is a type converter in Room, and how do I use it?

A type converter in Room is a class that defines how to convert a custom object to and from a database column. You can create a type converter by annotating a class with the `@TypeConverter` annotation and defining methods to convert the object to and from a database column. Then, you can use the `@TypeConverters` annotation on your Entity or DAO to specify the type converter.

Are there any other common errors that can occur when using Room with Kotlin?

Yes, there are several common errors that can occur when using Room with Kotlin, such as forgetting to annotate the DAO interface with `@Dao`, not specifying the primary key in the Entity, or not using the correct Kotlin syntax for annotations. Make sure to check the official Room documentation and Kotlin documentation for more information.